Orchard of Almond Blossom
There is nothing that delights the heart more than spring blossom. The Japanese culture reveres the cherry blossom with the Sakura festival, where sitting under the flowering trees and ‘bathing in the blossom’ is a must, but there is far more than just cherries on offer. The spring is coloured with may different flowing trees, here are some to consider.

Malus hupehensis
Malus hupehensis: A wonderful small to medium sized tree of 6 to 8m,with graceful ascending branches. With clusters of pink buds opening into white flowers in April. With delicate mid-green foliage and current sized fruits yellow blushed red in the autumn. Grows on most well draining soils. Full sun

Cercis siliquastrum
Cercis silquastrum:’The Judas Tree’ is a great choice to break with the endless whites and pinks. With clusters of purple pea like flowers borne on the bare stems before the leaves in May. Grow, either as a multi-stemed shrub or single stem tree reaching 2.5 to 3m in height, with a rounded crown. The leaves are rounded and a subtle glaucous green. Good autumn colour. Full sun in well draining soil. Avoid heavy clay.

Amelanchier lamarckii
Amelanchier lamarcki: Grown as a mulit-stemed shrub or small tree with a loose doomed habit up to 6m tall. With clusters of small stared white flowers in April, followed by coppery early foliage which turns into a mid-green light headed canopy. Clusters of green blush red fruits follow with rust/orange autumn tints. Full Sun, humus rich soil that dose not dry out. Dose not like thin chalk.

Prunus ‘Accolade’
Prunus ‘Accolade’: There are so many ornamental cherries to chose from, but this is a tried and trusted favourite. A spreading habit, very graceful tree reaching 5-6m tall. Masses of deep pink flower clusters in early April open to semi-double pendulous blush white flowers. Mid green leaves give way to good autumn colour. Full sun, good draining soil.

Crataegus monogyna ‘Stricta’
Cratagus monoggna ‘Stricata’: This is a fastigiate form of the common Hawthorne. With a upright habit, suitable for a small garden. The bare Thorney branches have clouds of delicate scented white flowers in April. Mid green foliage with small leaves follows. With clusters of deep red fruit. Most soils, but not water logged soil. Full sun or semi-shade.

Magnolia x loebneri ‘Leonard Messei’
Magnolia x Loeberi ‘Leonard Messel’: A wonderful Magnolia, a little slow but worth the wait. Growing to 3-4m and spread in size. Soft pink star shaped flowers are freely bourne in April. Grow as multi-stemed shrub or a small tree. Good humus rich soil will tolerate some chalk.

Spring blossom in vases
I hope I have inspired you to look again at spring flowers trees and perhaps to not always choose the most oblivious. Happy planting.